Saturday, February 26, 2011

Seeing the "Big Five" (and more) on the Safari at Kruger

I was the trip leader for the safari that I went on with 30 students from the ship and five "Life Long Learners" ( as our retired passengers are called).  It was great!  Kruger is a National Park in S. Africa that is 300X100 miles and is considered the best in this part of the continent.  The "big five" on safari are: [1] Lions, [2] Leopards, [3] Elephants, [4] Rhinos, and [5] Water Buffalos.  It is considered a successful safari if you get to see all five.  Many other groups went out from our ship to safaris in other places, but only our group had the opportunity to see all five (see the photos below).  As a bonus, we also saw wildebeasts, hyenas, giraffes, impalas, hippos, eagles, owls, wild boars, zebras, springboks, kudus, baboons, and monkeys.  The only animal that I really wanted to see that we did not was the cheetah.  I guess they were just too fast for us those days we spent in the bush.  

We stayed in the Sabi River Run Resort there which added to the experience.  I have included one shot of the area and the golf course that surrounded the resort.  The rolling hills around Kruger reminded me of Tuscany in Italy.  The fed us like hungry bears and treated us like gold there, which definitely added to the experience.  The guide that Semester at Sea had hired for us,  Graham Johannson from Capetown, was the best of the voyage so far! 

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